Evil Geniuses

I sit with my laptop and mindlessly surf the web.

Oh interesting article *click*

Sign up for site *ugh no!*

Log in with Facebook *click*

Allow Facebook to post for you *click*

Like *click*

Oh another interesting article *click*

I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m gaining information, but is it useful? With the advancement of technology, the boundaries of media are blurring. Not only that of what is right and wrong, but people are confusing the when and how of events. This ambiguity is heightening to the point where there seems to be no difference between the digital and the social world. The fabrics of these to media are so closely intertwined that to decipher the threads becomes impossible. The media today is striving to achieve this greater time spent on device such that all activity, especially purchasing online becomes the next norm. Fuller in “Evil Media” describes this affect as something that is not tangible, obscure and opaque.

However I stop to think, back in the day when these advance forms of media didn’t exist what was this form of ‘evil’. My mind wanders to art. We have heard stories of meta-art and paintings within paintings that comment on others’ works. We see stories that stem from some of the greatest pieces of art work that create controversy (Da Vinci Code anyone?). Art has the ability to be as evil as it is aesthetically pleasing like my ecology. To think of it even those pieces point to something evil. Interpretation becomes key.

I draw the parallel with media that can be highly useful, but can be used for evil. At the end of the day, we are humans behind the creation of such things. Humans have personal agendas. Humans rebel. Humans make mistakes. After all, they are human.



  1. I liked how you started with a haiku-like poem that captured my attention quite in an interesting way. I thought your post had the best affect mostly because of the style you are writing in; the use of I and description of your experiences to art was quite affective and reminding me of my own experiences about art.

  2. I think you have the best style/affect. Everyone who uses social media in the 21st century knows and understands this interaction with facebook and how we passively interact with certain parts of our social media and avoid other parts.

  3. I found your post to be the best overall, especially for how much room it leaves for the reader to think. I especially liked the fact that you talked about the timelessness of these media that doesn’t necessarily work in the same way, but still achieves more or less the same impact. The fact that this experience has been transferred to digital space, where much more is blackboxed and hidden from us, made me think about its affect on a whole new level.

  4. I think this is the best overall post. The lead section hooked my attention, your voice/tone made the concepts easy to understand, and you related your ecology to the texts in ways that I hadn’t considered when I first experienced the texts myself. -Rachel L

  5. I think your post has the best style and affect. I really enjoyed how you use your daily activity as an example to demonstrate how media can potentially be evil. I think your own example does a great job resonating with the readers who have similar experience (which I believe most people do). That makes your arguments really convincing and understandable.

  6. I think your post is the best post this week, as it was succinct and to the point. I found it really interesting when you wrote about how the fabrics of the social and digital world are so intertwined, and bringing your personal life into it as well. Great job! 🙂

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